I only have One life to live, but in Books I can live a thousand Lives

What do you want to be when you grow up!? 

We are asked this question from the time we are in kindergarten until we are done with college. Even now being halfway through college, I still can’t seem to give a solid answer. In kindergarten, the possibilities seem endless-princess, astronaut, pirate, and so on. As you get older and begin to be stripped of your childhood innocence you realize that becoming a princess isn’t as easy as just putting a tiara on your head. Soon you begin to realize that this decision will decide how you pay bills, who you will be interacting with, and your schedule for pretty much the rest of your life. It eventually dawns on you that you may need to do something you don’t necessarily love in order to thrive and survive.

Books offer an escape from this. If I want to be a new-age heroine, pioneering a new frontier for the greater good I’ll read “The Testing” series by Joelle Charbonneau and pretend that I am Cia Vale taking down people in power to prevent further atrocities. If I want to live out my fantasy of being chosen to be a princess, I can read “The Selection” series by Kiera Cass and revel in America’s and Maxon’s tumultuous love. The point being is that books will always be able to offer an escape into a world you have always dreamed of and will allow you to live in that world for at least a little while. XOXO

It’s so loud Inside my Head with all the Words I should have Said

Words are power. Whether they are spoken or written down they have the ability to change lives. I am not saying that words are equivalent to a superhero, but maybe they can provide their own personal Superman or Wonder Woman  to your cause. Growing up, I won’t lie, I had a pretty charmed life. Loving and caring family, school was easy, friends were fantastic, and I was heavily involved in extracurricular activities. That’s not saying that at times I didn’t battle my own personal demons. Sometimes having it “all together” provides the perfect cover for a truly broken soul. I believe that this idea of “perfection” came with its own pressures and responsibilities that affected me in ways I felt I couldn’t talk about with anyone. My parents were (and still are) the most incredible people I know and I just always wanted them to be proud of me. The stress to be perfect and constant fear of disappointment were things that I put on myself. At the time, I didn’t know that I could do practically anything and they would still love me. This is where my love of reading came into play.

Being put in a situation where you can’t talk to someone makes you feel alone and helpless. You don’t know what path to choose or what consequences lay ahead. For me, it is much easier to imagine what a character in a book would do if they were battling the things that I was. Maybe are battles were different but the principle reasons were the same. Eventually I was able to dig myself out of this constant pressure zone and learn to accept myself—faults included. Knowing that I was never truly alone, even if they were fictional characters, allowed me to come into my own. XOXO

I’mma just tell you, its Everything that I Expected

Hello beautiful readers! During the summer I find no better relaxation than hanging by my pool in my favorite bikini, reading a new book or re-reading my favorite stories. I know some people absolutely HATE re-reading books, and I’m always asked, “Why do you waste your time reading a book that you already know the ending to?”. I gladly tell those people that by re-reading these books I get to relive all the emotions I initially felt the first time I read these stories. Also being able to read stories about my favorite characters again feels like I am visiting with old friends. My obsession with reading runs parallel to my obsession with movies. I REFUSE to watch a movie if I know it is based off a book. As soon as a book’s film rights have been optioned I am immediately intrigued and usually I run out to my favorite place (Barnes and Nobles) and get it. Let’s just say I’m expecting the next few years to have excellent movies. Nine times out of ten I find that the book is way, way better than the movie will ever be. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy the movie, but while reading I conjure up my version of the characters and my own vision of what the setting should be, so when I see the movie I am sometimes left feeling disappointed. As soon as a book’s film rights have been optioned I am immediately intrigued and usually I run out to my favorite place (Barnes and Nobles) and get it. Let’s just say I’m expecting the next few years to have excellent movies.

(WARNING: May contain some spoilers)

For example the book “My Sister’s Keeper”, by Jodi Picoult was one of the most moving books I ever read,  because of the unexpected twist at the end. Now, the movie that was based off of this book, totally and utterly emotionally destroyed me, but once it was over I was left feeling irritated and angry. The movie’s ending was completely changed from the book. I understand that when transforming a book into a movie, creative liberties are taken do to time constraints or content censorship, but in “My Sister’s Keeper” by changing the ending the entire point of the book changed. The fact that the sister who wasn’t cancer-stricken died in the book and then proceeded to save her life, was such a gut wrenching twist that it validated the whole story and gave a much deeper meaning to the book. In the movie the cancer-stricken sister dies, making it a predictable ending that frankly just pissed me off.

My biggest lesson from all of this is to PLEASE read the book first. I promise it is like TV in your head. Most of the time you will like it way better as well. XOXO

Don’t Think I Don’t Think About it

Hey Readers! Sorry that I’ve been on a little hiatus from posting. Two nights ago I firmly believe I had the best night of my summer. My friend and I bought tickets to a Darius Rucker concert….this was a big thing since me and her usually just hang in her basement on weekends watching movies. So not only did we pick out our outfits about a week in advance we planned out everything. We wanted the night to be amazing even though our tickets were for less than spectacular seats. Blessed with beautiful county-singing weather we made the trek to the Xfinity Center and anxiously awaited the concert. Once we arrived we enjoyed the tailgating atmosphere of the parking lot and we were just excited to finally be doing something. Thinking the night couldn’t get any better I was basking in complete bliss.

Once we walked into the venue we were approached by an official looking man with a ponytail. He asked us about our seats and we joked that they were so far away we could probably see them where we were standing. He quickly told us not to freak out and gave us wrist bands for the floor. Thinking this was a fluke or some sick joke, my friend and I brushed it off and we were just happy we still had our tickets in case the wristbands were fake. Upon entering the actually stage area, after noticing our wristbands the ushers quickly escorted us to the pit. We were FREAKING out. We could not believe how lucky we were!! And it was still early enough that we were able to snag front row spots against the stage. Soon The Brothers Osbourne took the stage to open, then Brett Eldredge graced us with his beautiful self, and then the man of the hour, Mr. Darius Rucker completely rocked our world. Not only was I given a guitar pic, but I got put on the screen as a “homegrown honey”. I know that these are trivial happenings to some, but I have never felt so truly blessed and absolutely grateful. Thanks to the kindness of a mystery man, our night went from great to unforgettably spectacular. 

Sometimes I think it’s important to remember these 2 things: GO OUT I know it’s comfortable to stay at home but great things happen to those who move, and people are kind. This man’s kindness (possibly at the urging of his employer) ended up giving my friend and I the best night ever and one we will surely never forget. Also, let’s be real, those country crooners would’ve thrown a banging concert regardless of the seats. XOXO 

BRETT ELDREGE …ignore my stupid grin I was too excited.

We Kissed like We Invented it

Christian Grey. Edward Cullen. Tobias Eaton. Peeta Mellark. These fictitious heart-throbs have set the bar for romance in our generation. Instead of the gentlemanly ways of the characters in Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility these leading men wow their women through mind-blowing sex, extravagant gifts, or potentially fatal romantic gestures. Also the love between them and their other halves is just so deep and all consuming, its almost incomprehensible that someone can handle that much emotion. The constant insecurity about whether or not the object of their affection reciprocates their feelings is also quite endearing.

All these reasons I feel contribute to why our generation has trouble with conventional “dating”. Why would a girl settle for anything less than what she wants? And what happens if what she wants is a love so deep that her significant other is willing to give up his most inhibiting personality trait, protect her humanity, or even die for her? Don’t get me wrong…I know that each of these male leads exhibit the most extreme forms of each emotions in order to provide the most interesting stories for avid readers. I also know that for most, these stories can’t exist….vampires in Washington? I’m not stupid.

What I am saying though is ladies do not settle. There will be someone out there who will literally willingly lay down their life for you. There is someone that will constantly try to prove their love to you and succeed in it everyday. Until then…keep reading and keep your heels and standards high. XOXO

Ask me Where I’m moving I say onto Better Things 

Breakups suck. A person you loved and trusted just exited your life. Betrayal, abandonment, and tons of emotionS contribute to the finality of parting with a loved a one. Many people believe in different remedies to cure a broken heart. Some people think you need to find a rebound, others think of it as time for self-reflection. I see it as a time for reinvention and for recipes! Nothing will cure those post break-up blues faster than comfort food. Now I’m not saying to stuff your face so that your stomach hurts more than your heart, but definitely call your girlfriends, order some takeout, throw on some sweats, and get ready to reinvent yourself.

Pad Thai in my opinion is king of the comfort food. Its always available in takeout form, its noodles, and it has scrambled eggs in it…need I say more? It is a trendy alternative to pizza, donuts, and cookies. Once you’ve got the food, let the conversation flow. Food is the easiest gateway for talking. Tell your besties how much you think life sucks rights now…and they will graciously listen because this gave them an excuse to get takeout.

So the next time you find yourself in the midst of a breakup: get some good eats, good people, and talk it out. Don’t turn to another guy (unless its Ben or Jerry) because not only will you be mad at yourself you’re risking whatever relationship you could have with your ex. XOXO

Good Things come in Threes

Hello fellow bikini and food lovers! Today I thought I’d give you a little food for though as a change. Besides buying new bikinis and discovering new recipes I also really enjoy getting a chance to get lost in a new book over the summer. I am an avid reader….I end up spending most of my pay check on new books! Unlike most of my fellow millennials I cannot find enjoyment in reading a book off a screen. To me, nothing compares to holding the crisp pages of a brand new (or new to you) book between your hands. It gives the words substance and meaning, rather then something you can just scroll through with the touch of your finger. 

Trilogies happen to be my favorite. Personally I really just like the number three; I feel it has a distinct beginning, middle, and end. As it is with trilogies, I am chomping at the bit to get to books 2 and 3 and usually am happily satisfied at the end. Characters in these stories soon begin to feel like old friends, and the fact that their stories continue for 3 books is equivalent to a having week long slumber party with your bestie. So my advice this summer is to pick up a good book, get lost in it, and enjoy the ride. XOXO

Shell me About it

Hello bikini lovers! In the past few years body image has become a hot topic in the media. There are plenty of people that preach “love the skin your in”. But how easy is it to love what you have when there is constant negativity surrounding all shapes, sizes, and colors? This is wear I think bikinis come in. They are the one clothing item that can cause fear in women of any age. So many girls dread swimsuit shopping and they shouldn’t have too. Bikinis to me represent the sexiness of summer. It is a piece of clothing that shows almost every part of you; every perfect imperfection. They represent the confidence that you have in yourself. I’m not saying its easy to strut yourself in a two piece for the whole world to see, but it is a way to be proud of who you are and to give a big F-you to traditional beauty standards. I think it is about time for all women to celebrate their bodies and show off every stretch mark and scar for these “imperfections” are testaments to the wonderful lives that they lead. Wear a bikini and flaunt your body. You are sexy and beautiful and the world deserves to know. XOXO

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Ahh summertime…it brings out the freshest ingredients restaurants have to offer. One of the most perfect summer meals is a classic chicken Cesar wrap. Pictured in this post is one of the best wraps I’ve had and all the credit is due to the wonderful chefs of the Seaglass restaurant in Salisbury, MA. Chicken Cesar wraps are the perfect combination of sexy and cute. The masterfully grilled chicken is smoky and sexy while the light Cesar salad adds a cute and flirty flair.  A chicken Cesar wrap is basically all the qualities of an ideal man wrapped up and ready to go. I mean doesn’t everyone want a hunk who is both sexy and cute all while having a classic style!? XOXO  

Whoever said Money can’t buy Happiness, just didn’t Know where to Shop!

To save or to splurge? This question tends to haunt many girls during shopping, dating, and pretty much everyday life. Is that plain t-shirt really worth that $40? Does my boyfriend really want that $200 watch? The choice to either save or splurge is totally a game-time decision. For me it usually depends on three factors: 1. How much money is in my checking account 2. Do I really need it 3. Does it need to be a quality purchase. The first one is simple; working in retail has really made me understand the value of a dollar. I know that if I work for 10 hours I will walk away with less than $100. It totally sucks, but definitely has made me appreciate hard work way more. The second deciding factor is a little bit more of a gray area. If it is something you really want, it can be easy to argue that it is a need. But, trying to be an adult and becoming more practical, distinguishing between wants and needs is starting to be a more prevalent and not-fun part of my shopping experience. And lastly, there are definitely some items that need to be considered for quality not quantity. Cheap heels are only good for hurting your feet and ruining night.

In relation to bikinis I feel that it is a mix. I feel that splurging is totally worth it; they will hold their shape better and their colors wont fade as easily in the sun, salt, and chlorine. The Triangl bikini pictured is by far my favorite swimwear that I own and it was definitely a splurge. But I am also a fan of the cheap bikini that I can wear and not care what happens to it. Usually is depends on what type of activity I plan to do. Just like a new love interest you have decide whether or not it’s worst the investment. XOXO